Hardfill Dumping (Government Levy Increase)

Hardfill Dumping (Government Levy Increase)

Notice of price change:  We have been advised by our service provider that the cost of Hardfill dumping is going up $10 plus GST from 1 July 2023. 

The increase is part of the Government legislated Waste Minimisation Levy which is increasing the levy $10 from 1 July 2023 and another $10 in 12 months’ time.  Link below for additional information.



Hardfill dumping retail price from 1 July 2023:

$51.25 per tonne (approx a standard trailer) [Old price $39.75]
Min Charge $15.00 [Old price $10.00]

More information on the Garden Box Hardfill dumping service.


Hardfill Dump

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